Cloudpunk takes place in a futuristic metropolis whose story revolves around Rania, the main protagonist. After leaving the Eastern Peninsula, Rania ended up in Nivalis, a sprawling city with people from different walks of life.
As elegant as Nivalis sounds, the city interests us early on with its flashing neon lights, hover cars, and humming noise, making the main character a part of a vast world ready for exploration.
The city presents both humans and androids working together, albeit with difficulties running around similar to what we have in real life, where people judge each other and treat them based on class.
Working for Cloudpunk, a delivery company, Rania works under the leadership of a wise man referred to as Control. He gives her directions about package locations on where to pick up and drop off.
Of course, there is a catch- Rania cannot ask about the package and its contents, which she will be delivering. Little did she know that the night is young, and it will be a while before she can take a break.
Throughout her journey, she has to make choices when her decision would carry consequences, and the moral complexity would weigh heavily on her shoulders. Indeed, this is an exciting feature of the game.
Rania would understand that there are no right choices in certain circumstances. She and Control have some fascinating dialogues throughout their journey, and Control would help Rania get used to Nivalis better.
Championing box-shaped objects, the world of pixelated graphics comes to life once we get to know the characters’ exciting persona mixed with intriguing dialogues. This game would help developers see how interesting a cyberpunk-style story can get.
Perhaps, a future game could make use of this and come up with something better. I would love to try that. What about you?
Where to Buy
If you are interested, please check this game out on Steam.
If you still need some time to decide, this trailer might help:
Have a look at my next review of A Way Out.